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AR workflow

AR content from a generative content engine, such as Notch, can be placed in the 3D scene overlaying existing video content or a live video input using this workflow.

  1. Create an MR set
  2. Create a virtual camera(s)
  3. Create an LED screen on the stage, check that the Render Layer (located in the Output tab of the layer) is set to ‘On Stage’
  4. In the MR Set properties editor, add the LED surface to the MR set, create an indirection controller, and select the virtual camera(s) as the resource.
  5. Create a Notch Layer and select the desired Notch block that you want to use as an AR object
  6. Create a Spatial mapping for the Notch layer and add the virtual camera(s) as a screen
  7. Set the Camera plate of the Spatial mapping to Backplate

At this point, you will see the AR object in the Camera transmission preview and the MR Set preview windows.

AR in Designer